Warrior Kajiwara Kagesue on his beloved black horse, Surusumi. In the battle of Uji River, Kajiwara raced against his rival, Sasaki on a white horse named Ikezuki, to reach the enemy shore first.
Size: Height 45cm, width 30cm
Object literature: Sadanobu Hasegawa III (1881-1963) was a student of Ueda Kocho, and later became a pupil of Utagawa Sadamasu, becoming a member of the Osaka school. Sadanobu Hasegawa III worked to adopt the art of Japanese printmaking to the 20th century. He adopted a style which was a combination of old okiyo-e traditions, with a modern approach. Most of his work was commissioned by the Uchida one of the largest publishers of woodblock prints in Japan at the time. His subjects included the traditional focuses of ukiyo-e tradition such as kabuki theater, the bunraku puppet theater, beautiful girls from Kyoto, as well as scenes and events from Japan's medieval history and legends.