Ushinishavijaya Thangka - Nepal - XIX century
Size: 58.40cm high, 43cm wide
Very unusual masterpiece thangka, divided in two sections, in the upper one the deity Ushnishavijaya (Victorious Crown Ornament) depicted inside a stupa with one face and eight arms, she holds different objects, in the main right hand a small figure of Amithaba Buddha, then an arrow symbol of extreme generosity, a bow symbol of protection. At her sides two protectors (Mahakalas) and above the Five Symbolic Tantric Buddhas (Vairochana (white), Amithaba (red), Aksobhya (blue), Ratnasambhava (yellow), Amoghasiddhi (green).
In the lower part of the thangka a king on his chariot with many other figures.
Object literature: The long-life deity Ushnishavijaya 'Victorious Crown Ornament,' is one of three special long-life deities along with the Buddha Amitayus and White Tara. This group is known as the Three Long Life Deities. There are other deities associated with long life and healing but these three are commonly referred to as the principal deities and form their own group. The three were not formulated in India but rather popularized as a Tibetan iconographic convention.
Object history: Bought in Nepal by an American collector between 1940-1980.