Size: 33cm high, 16.2cm wide, weight 13.14kg
Good Condition.
An interesting Chinese Northern Wei grey terracotta tile with a nicely carved depiction of the Buddha in a seated pose wearing a voluminous robe. His right hand is in the Abhaya Mudra (no fear) gesture of reassurance, blessing and protection, whilst the left one is in Karana Mudra, a gesture which with demons are expelled.
Object literature: The Northern Wei was a Chinese dynasty which ruled Northern China from 386 to 534 AD. The Northern Wei dynasty is particularly noted for unifying Northern China in 439; this was also a period when foreign ideas were introduced, such as Buddhism, which became firmly established.
Object history: Property of a London professional; previously acquired on the UK/European art market in the 1990s.
Certificate of Authenticity and free professional and custom made stand included.