Two Buddhist Tantric Vajrayana Manuscript Tibet with Wooden Frames Tibet 18th century
Size Manuscripts: Hight 12cm, width 44cm
Size frame: Hight 29cm, width 61.5cm
Two Tibetan pages manuscript handwritten and painted on both sides in beautiful wooden frames.
Object Literature: The content of the manuscripts is a Vajrayana tantric test below translated in English:
Sadhana of the upper classes of the tantras
Ancestral lotus, wonderful, Padmasambhava In samsara, your substance appears during the 28 constellations Abhijit (byi bzhin) In the country of Dhanakosha lake When, through complete control of the forces, you confer the empowerment of all Buddhas and Dakinis Vajravarahi mother and friend induce the eight classes of demons into bondage, releasing them and pushing them towards you through the secret name Strength of the Diamond with the Vajra (diamond) invites you to that "place" (the mind) Together demons and gods Vidyadhara hum ma yel ma yel The mind is fixed on the highest and highest reincarnations Visualize the Dharmakaya the Sambhogakaya and the Nirmanakaya Focus the eye (intellect) in that "place" On personal divinity and reads hum ma yel ma yel Focus the mind, towards the south realizes the incarnation Of the terrifying form of the eight personal deities. Invite to that place (the mind) Take the solemn oath and say: hum ma yel ma yel Isolated in visualization of the presence of the dakinis In the representation of messengers (of personal divinity) Focus the eye (intellect) in that place First in the Samaya (sacred chord) then in the mind Hum visualizes a lotus in the mind [...] Also built, the blood red offer is dedicated hum to the supreme personal divinity this blood of liberation, (described) in the six tantras, alters the feelings of passion and attachment make the offer of the woman principle (genitals) offer the torma with the form of the feminine principle this is the union of the supreme offering of yoga tantra the brightness of the five kleshas is fully achieved adorning the supreme mind with the 5 virtues of desire according to the four dedications described in the tantras it is required to be in that safe place. Following the commitment and dedication is manifested in the mandala perpetually over time the realization of the mind, strength subdues great fear in the sphere that keeps afflictions away the object of the sun and the moon are represented as means of the perfect lotus (Padmasambhava) from the throne made by a variety of demons the terrifying vajravarahi is manifested whose body color, in the nine positions of the dance, is black and blue with the head adorned with the secrets of the five families of Buddha remains without contamination in the posture of kikhan (naga)
Object History: Acquired from an European auction house in 2011. Previously Italian private collection.